
Home - Business - Space Blessing//Cleansing 1hr 20 mins

Space blessings are ancient tradition performed by many religions and cultures in one form or another. Its basic purpose is to bless and provide spiritual protection for your dwelling. A house blessings helps remove old or stagnant energy and invites positive energy, spiritual healing and purification. Any space can be cleared and blessed.

Contact for Pricing 

Consultations 40 mins

Consultations are 1 on 1 and can be virtual or in person. This is done if you are not sure of the direction you are to go on your spiritual awakening. Want to know what are Chakras? Have questions with booking Sound Baths, Reiki Sessions or simply get guidance, this service is for you.

Pricing $77.77

Sound Healing (Chakra Alignment) 1hr 20 mins

Sound healing is a guided meditation with the assistance of musical instruments (singing bowls, rain poles ect). In this service you will recieve brief consultation, foot cleansing ritual, then guided into meditation for chakra alignment followed by decompression and debriefing. 

Individuals: $111.11 (Couples, Family, and Groups must contact for pricing)



Speaking, Workshops, Events! 
2x Author, Poet, Chef, Healer and more Kristina not only has a passion for healing she lives through it. Having been a guest speaker for countless speaking engagements, poetry slam contestant, healing through chakras workshops, to working with the youth in the school district, YCRC (youth conflict and resolution center), Veteran Wellness, to hosting her own wellness workshops. If you would like to book Kristina for a Speaking engagements, expos, events along with her products contact via email or phone.